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Stress management


Stress is unavoidable, but how we think about it and how we react to it makes the difference in how it impacts our self care and our health. 

Not all stress is bad for us; in fact, some stress can be helpful for completing important projects, studying for an exam, speaking in public, or accomplishing challenging goals. On the other hand, distress or negative stress is the type of stress that can cause short- or long-term anxiety, decreased performance and lead to poor mental and physical health. Distress can be caused by many factors that differ for everyone. It's important to recognize the things in your life that cause distress, so you can come up with a plan to manage or cope with or view situations differently.

mindful mornings with Rachel Hilinski

Check back each morning for a new guided meditation.


stress management tips

  • Connect with others; build relationships with family, friends and within your community

  • Get involved in activities

  • Try different healthy ways to relax (music, exercise, dance, meditation or yoga)

  • Take time for fun creative activities or hobbies

  • Practice daily affirmations & keep a gratitude journal or write about stressful events

  • Take care of spiritual needs

  • Make time to laugh (comedy, joke books, etc)

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol

  • Try deep breathing techniques


Look at events or triggers from a new angle. Consider “Is there another way to look at this situation?” and remember it’s not helpful to focus on what cannot be changed. Try to improve your mood by looking at what is going well in life. Focus on your accomplishments or what you have overcome.

Resources for kids, teens & Parents

FOOD for stress relief

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